Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I am sooooooooooooooooooo sorry for being such a procrastinator.  I just really had to give myself time to digest probably one of the most eventful and amazing times of my life.  Also, I just wrapped up all of my midterm papers and exams…  Yes, midterms!

I was going to do this entire blog in Spanish, but I’ll spare both you and I because I’m definitely not fluent and I bet you aren’t either.  So Hola!  (That’s about as much Spanish as you’re going to get out of me)

But anyway, we docked in Cadiz, Spain on June 24th at about 8am (2am Eastern).  Oh yeah I’ve been exhausted because as we sailed across the Atlantic we lost an hour everyday.  Mind you, my classes begin at 8am EVERY morning, so I’m hurting.  Who knew that the difference in a 23-hour say and a 24-hour day could cause such a strain. 

I keep going on a tangent, but yeah so, my friends and I woke up at 6:30am to watch the sun rise over Cadiz and it was breathtaking.  Minus all of the eye boogers and head wraps I got some amazing shots of the ocean, the skyline, the dock, and of course the sun. 

The first day in port I had a field excursion through Semester at Sea, which was a requirement for my African American Women Literature course, called Women in Cadiz, however, it had little to do with women, and more so a city orientation.  But Cadiz is BEAUTIFUL.  It’s a quaint seaside town, they get a few tourists because of the harbor, and a lot of cruise lines dock here; Its one of the oldest cities of Western civilization.

Throughout the tour, we explored several museums; we walked through ruins of an ancient Roman coliseum.  We visited the cathedral and surveyed the crypt (it was so CREEPY).  Outside of the cathedral was this adorable Spanish man playing his red guitar, he had long black hair in a ponytail, and a white linen suite on, with a cigarette hanging on his bottom lip, as he played “A Wonderful World.”  We also went to Torre Tavira Camera Obsucra, which is like the first satellite.  It was so cool!  What happens is they project a mirror through this tunnel that reflects moving images of the city down the shaft and projects it onto this circular/scoop-like canvas.  You really had to be there to understand but it was interesting.  After the presentation we went to the top of the roof (mind you it was like 250 stairs, I counted!), the view was amazing and so worth the walk (my thighs are going to be so tight LOL). 

After the camera obsucra, we went to the seaside park and played on the swings (childish I know, but I swung on a Spanish swing set sucker!)  Apparently, that night Spain was playing the USA in the Confederations Cup in South Africa, which is a major soccer championship.  My roommate is a BIG soccer fan and dragged me to a plaza where it seemed like everyone in Cadiz went to watch the game.  Now I don’t know much about soccer, but we’re not that into it back in the States, obviously Spain was the favorite going in; even the Americans said that the US would lose.  Well, well, well America made the first goal, and before this point, I felt safe in Spain.  Like seriously I think you have more of a chance to get mugged in NYC then in Cadiz, but I thought that I was going to get shanked because, my friends started cheering and this little Spanish boy turned around and told them to shut up.  So I chucked them the deuces and rolled out with some of my other friends (who aren’t really soccer fans) to a pub, called Good Music.  

This was a small, but nice bar, the game was still on, so four of my friends, and I went to sit at a booth in the back.  I got a Tinto de Verno, which is Spanish for Tint of Summer, which is red wine and lemon Fanta.  Delish!  So we’re laughing and talking about our day, and guess what American ends up winning the game.  All the heads in the bar turn in our direction and I just knew that they were going to kill us for sure.  But no, they smiled and said: “Viva Estados Unidos”.  I met a Spanish man named Phillipe and he gave me the two-cheek kiss, and assured me that there were no hard feelings. 

Speaking of this two-cheek kiss, I love it!  You feel like people are genuinely happy to have met you.  I went to shake everyone’s hand when first introduced, because I’m clearly not accustomed.  But they just pulled me in and demonstrated how to properly greet.  The Spanish men are also a class of their own.  I was approached so many times, and just told very boldly, and NOT disrespectfully that: “Tu es muy guapa,” which translated means “you are very handsome/beautiful.”  I blushed and said “gracias” which is the one of my five Spanish words.  But those Spaniards really do know how to romance you.

Moving on, the streets in Spain are literally cobble sidewalks.  I don’t know how or why they drive down such narrow streets, but the neighborhoods have so much personality, and feel so cozy, once you get past the fear of being hit by a Vespa (the little scooters). 

We went out to the club the first night, and Spaniards definitely know how to party!  One they don’t go out until around 2am because they don’t eat dinner until 10-11pm.  They eat breakfast from 8-10am, Lunch 2-4pm; have a Siesta, which is a nap in the middle of the day.  I must say though I was a little disappointed about the Spanish food.  I was expecting a lot of seafood and delicious goodness, and it really wasn’t all that great.  But you win some and you loose some. 

The second day, (I know you’re like “dang!” but I felt the same way, we we’re in port for three days and I felt like I was in Spain for 3 weeks, because I experienced every bit of that 72 hours, from sun up to sun down) we went to Sevilla, which is a two-hour train ride from Cadiz.  The scenery on the train was breathtaking, the countryside had fields of sunflowers tilting towards the sun; it was so beautiful. 

Okay so here’s the bad news, when we arrived in Sevilla, we took a taxi to our hostel.  In the taxi, I carelessly, dramatically, and sadly, lost my camera!  I know, I know, I know!  Why...  I underwent a mini severe breakdown, called the train station, and stalked every taxi service, with no avail.  No worries, it just material things. My friends took a lot of photos for me and I copied them onto my computer so I guess you live and you learn. 

Sevilla is a beautiful city and a little more metro than Cadiz.  We went to another Cathedral where Christopher Columbus is buried and the Gardens at this majestic palace.  The pictures are breathtaking, because the scenery is so indescribable.  Oh, I saw a peacock.  It was bright royal blue and its tail was about 3 feet long, I was fearful the whole time though that it was going to attack, because ever since I saw Alfred Hitchcock’s Birds, I realized how vicious pheasants can be. 

The final day in Spain, we returned to Cadiz and went to the market.  I actually witness pure Spanish life.  Everyone was out shopping at the open markets and tents.  The merchants sold fresh crabs, watermelon, sterling silver rings, leather wallets, and post cards.  It was so lively. 

BTW (by the way) I bought a couple of post cards and mailed them to those who addresses I remembered by heart, or thought that I could make out.  So, either a complete stranger will end up with a greeting from Spain, or I did good and have a memory like an elephant.  But I want to send everyone at least one post card, so if you would be so kind as to email me you address at: SECHAPPELL@SEMESTERATSEA.NET, I would be so grateful.  But you must be patient; you may not receive the letter for 10 days.

I ended my trip to Spain with a day on the beach.  YES, I was sprawled out on the white sandy beaches of the South of Span…  CAN YOU DIG IT…  I know I can barely stand myself!!!  The water was freezing and kind of full of seaweed, but hey, it was beautiful without a cloud in the sky.  The weather was PERFECT!  If you could measure perfection in a degree, with the sweetest breeze, you would have the temperature in Cadiz.  (That rhymed and I didn’t even mean it to, I’m a poet and didn’t even know it… OMG its late and I’m becoming delusional!)

All in all my time in Spain, although short lived was FANTABULOUS…  I’m planning a trip to return next summer for 3 weeks, yeah I’m that thirsty about it.  I bid you ado.  Tomorrow I’ll be in Italy!  So, for now and until next time be encouraged!

Con Amor
(With Love)



  1. Hey Nellie Nell! Wow! You share it so that we can see everything as you tell it. So don't worry about the camera - your assessment is correct about it just being a material thing. As long as you are okay and we can continue to see it through your eyes - it's all good! I am so glad that you are having a BLAST and what a reality check when you mentioned that you had mid-term papers. We know that you are there for study, but so glad that you are experiencing so much of the world . . . starting in Spain. Thanks for sharing and ENJOY!! Love ya and be safe!
